Akita Cedar and the Yoneshiro-gawa River


The basin of the large Yoneshiro-gawa River in the northern part of Akita is rich in cedar and mineral resources. The shipping industry has developed since early times. Cedar logs were transported to big cities such as Osaka and Edo (Tokyo) via the port town of Noshiro at the mouth of the river, and used as a building material for castles, ships and houses. "Akita Cedar" has been a famous brand-name lumber since those days.

Photo:Akira Ishida  仁鮒のスギ人工林

Futatsui-the Town of Cedar

上・左:Photo:Tadahisa Sakurai
平成6年に完成した二ッ井町庁舎。杉の町にふさわしく、ふんだんに天然秋田杉を使った 豪華な役所。


 Futatsui is a town located in the northern part of Akita Prefecture. The Yoneshiro-gawa River runs through the town from east to west. Futatsui is a "town of forests", with 78 percent of the town area covered by forests. The town prospered as a supplier of Akita cedars for a long time. Valuable cedar forests, including the Experimental Forest in Mizusawa and the virgin forest in Mt. Nanakura, are widely spread.

Photo:Akira Ishida

Photo:Tadahisa Sakurai
仁鮒水沢スギ植物群落保護林の入り口を入ると、昼なお暗い杉林がつづく。台風被害による処理以外、明治以降はほとんど伐採されていない(左)。右は、同保護林にある日本一高い 天然杉。樹高58m、直径164cm、樹齢は300年以上