鹿島流し Kashima nagashi
 This traditional festival has been celebrated in June after rice planting in Omagari and the surrounding area for more than three hundred years. Samurai warrior dolls, called 'Kashima', are placed on miniature boats and floated down the Marukogawa River. Today, each third-grade class in elementary schools takes the initiative to make and decorate a Kashima boat, and float it on the river as a school event.

大曲の花火  Fireworks Display in Omagari

 いまや全国にその名を知られるようになった大曲の花火大会は、毎年8月の第四土曜日、大曲大橋下流の雄物川河畔で開催される。全国から選抜された花火師30数名が参加して技を 競い、50万余の大観衆を魅了する。
 また、アイディアや演出にさまざまな工夫を凝らした大曲の花火は、海外公演でも絶大な人 気を博し、国際交流のうえでも大きな役割を果たしている。

 The fireworks display in Omagari, which has recently become nationally famous, is held on the bank of the Omono-gawa River on the fourth Saturday of August every year. More than thirty pyrotechnists, invited from various parts of Japan, demonstrate their skills and fascinate over 500,000 spectators. The breathtaking view of elaborately designed new, creative fireworks as well as traditional fireworks has enjoyed great foreign popularity. The fireworks play a big part in cultural exchanges with foreign countries.