Artisan in Futatsui


 A variety of work in Futatsui is related to trees, such as forestry and lumbering, and many people work in these industries. A number of people, such as ship carpenters and fishermen, have been closely related to the Yoneshiro-gawa River in past years. We introduce the artisans in Futatsui who make goods related to the river and forests.

Keg & bucket
畠山喜美男 Kimio Hatakeyama


 天然秋田杉の特徴は、なんといっても木目の美しさとその香り、そして加工しやすく、丈夫な点にある。この道50年という畠山喜美男さんは、樹齢100年以上の天然秋田杉しか使わない。機械にも頼らず、従兄弟で同い年の佐藤健さん、長男の一昭さんと三人で、今日も黙々と仕事にはげむ。  花器などの工芸品も手掛け、人気も高いが、「半切り」と呼ばれるすし桶やおひつ、水桶といった、昔から作り続けてきたものが断然良い。肉厚の柾目で作ったおひつを使ってみると、ごはんのおいしさが倍加するのを実感できる。



[連絡先]〒018−3152 秋田県山本郡二ッ井町三千苅5−15 
畠武天杉工芸社 TEL0185−73−2108

 Virgin Akita cedar features beautiful grains, scent, ease of processing, and sturdiness. Kimio Hatakeyama has 50 years of experience, and uses only natural Akita cedar aged more than 100 years. He does not rely on a machine, and devotes his time to the work with his same aged cousin and his eldest son. Sushi-oke (Sushi rice paddle), O-hitsu (cooked rice container) and water buckets are particularly excellent traditional crafts.

Small wooden articles 
マルトモ工房 Marutomo Kobo

 平成2年(1990)、二ッ井の商工会が30周年を迎え、なにか記念品を作ることになった。そ のとき特産品コンクールに出品、受賞したのがきっかけで、以来、杉の小物を作るようになった。材料は、すべて天然秋田杉である。ほとんどお金にはならないが、本業の建具とはちがった創作の喜びがあり、これからもいろいろ作っていきたいと、楽しそうに語ってくれた。



[連絡先]〒018−3141 秋田県山本郡二ッ井町山根20-19 
マルトモ工房  TEL0185−73−2688

 Mr. Ogasawara and Tanaka who are cousins have operated this studio for more than 40 years. They specialize in fittings or doors and Shoji (paper sliding screen doors), and are devoted artisans with long experience. When the Futatsui Commercial and Industrial Cooperative had its 30th anniversary, they entered their work in a specialties competition and won a prize. From that time they have been manufacturing small wooden articles, many of which are used in daily life: coasters, tidies, standishes, and picture frames. They are made of natural Akita cedar.